Saturday 5 March 2016

Movie Poster Construction

Here I had to use the billing block from a real billing block website. I had to copy and paste this onto a document on photo shop where I could then edit it and change the words to fit my own.

Friday 4 March 2016

1st Draft of Poster

Construction Continued...

On my teaser trailer first draft I firstly had to change the green screen at the beginning of my teaser trailer in order to make it more realistic for the viewer and so that it was more clear to see.

From the feedback which I received on my first draft target audience feedback One of the first changes that I made was too change the style of my font to make it more dramatic and allow for it to continue onto my poster and movie magazine.

To reinforce the name of my movie I thought that not only would it be best to mention it at the beginning but to also mention it at the end with a cinema release date to make my piece look more realistic.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Construction continued...

To enhance my movie teaser trailer I had to put sound into my piece, after a lot of thinking and experimenting I found the music piece for my teaser trailer under the genre horror section on audio network.