Tuesday 5 April 2016

My movie poster on a billboard

Here we have my movie poster placed on a bus stop billboard for people of the public to see. By doing this it allows for people to be made aware of my film and potentially make them want to attend the cinemas to view my movie

Sunday 3 April 2016

movie magazine front cover construction

From receiving target audience feedback this was the image that my target group most preferred and thought would be most appropriate to use as a main image on my magazine front cover.

To incorporate the horror in my movie magazine front cover I then took a signature item of my film which was "the noose", and placed it behind the text with a low opacity. A bar code was also then added to the bottom corner to alert people that this was a magazine and not just a movie poster.

As I felt the film reels didn't work too well at the masthead of the magazine I then thought it would be a good idea to use it as a footer so that people would relate it to a film at first glance.

I then added a puff at the top of the magazine which would entice people to buy the magazine and encourage sales.

I then began to add in cover lines to make my magazine front cover come to life, I added a red bloody hand onto my front cover as I felt that it added some of my teaser trailer elements.

After a lot of experimenting I tried to use a film reel in order to replace the O's in my masthead and in order to do this it made me creating many more layers. Again this is a change I didn't include in the end as I felt it didn't work in my favour and made my work look unprofessional.

Saturday 5 March 2016

Movie Poster Construction

Here I had to use the billing block from a real billing block website. I had to copy and paste this onto a document on photo shop where I could then edit it and change the words to fit my own.

Friday 4 March 2016

1st Draft of Poster

Construction Continued...

On my teaser trailer first draft I firstly had to change the green screen at the beginning of my teaser trailer in order to make it more realistic for the viewer and so that it was more clear to see.

From the feedback which I received on my first draft target audience feedback One of the first changes that I made was too change the style of my font to make it more dramatic and allow for it to continue onto my poster and movie magazine.

To reinforce the name of my movie I thought that not only would it be best to mention it at the beginning but to also mention it at the end with a cinema release date to make my piece look more realistic.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Construction continued...

To enhance my movie teaser trailer I had to put sound into my piece, after a lot of thinking and experimenting I found the music piece for my teaser trailer under the genre horror section on audio network.

Monday 29 February 2016

Teaser Trailer Construction Process

 Here is where I began to make my teaser trailer more realistic by including this green screen, giving information to the viewer.
It got to the stage when I had to crop some of the images I had and therefore it made my piece more slick.

When it came to naming my production company I named it after the place where I live so that it means something to me.

The name of my film is "Inside" as the film is based on what is happening inside the young girls head.

Saturday 27 February 2016

Teaser Trailer Construction

The software that I used to help me create my teaser trailer was final cut pro, this is an engine which allows for footage to be turned into the most professional piece of work possible, you will see my development from my editing process.