Friday 11 December 2015

Extra Information- Inspiration

For two different reasons I have chosen to follow the outlines for both of these as my inspiration and something for me to follow. I like in the Insidious poster that the main character is more close to the camera and that he is making direct eye contact which I find very intriguing.
However, in the conjuring poster I like that there is the rope hanging, this is one of my main features in my teaser trailer so therefore it may be something in which I could have in the background of my poster.

Movie Magazine Photo Shoot Plan

Thursday 10 December 2015

Movie Magazine Flatplan 2

This is my second movie magazine front cover idea. In this I will incorporate all the different codes and conventions of a movie magazine and I will use one of the clichés which I have already posted on my blog.

Friday 4 December 2015

Movie Poster Flat Plan 2

This is my second movie poster flat plan idea. In this I will still include the codes and conventions of my movie magazine but just place them in different places on the poster.

Movie Poster Flatplan 1

This is my first Flat plan idea for my movie poster. In this I will have to think of a style which I am going to continue throughout the entire piece, in terms of font style, colour scheme etc.

Friday 27 November 2015

Story Board Part 2

Shot 25- Black screen- 1 second
Shot 26- Black screen with flashing lights- 1 second
Shot 27- Little girl at hanging rope- 2 seconds Zoom
Shot 28- Flash back to mother at her bedside- 2 seconds
Shot 29- Dialog- 1 second
Shot 30- Slide into more dialog- 1 second

Shot 31- Fearful facial expressions on the males face - LS- 2 seconds
Shot 32- Straight cut of male standing looking at hanging rope
Shot 33- Child being brought to innocence on swing with writing on screen- 2 seconds
Shot 34- tension being build up with blood stained writing- 2 seconds
Shot 35- Fast paced flashing lights in black background- 2 seconds
Shot 36- Black screen- 3 seconds

Shot 37- Trying to commit suicide by the male, whilst young girl watches- 3 seconds
Shot 38- Flashes of lyrics on screen 1 second
Shot 39- LS of little girl- 1 second
Shot 40- Mid Shot of little girl- 1 second
Shot 41- Close up of little girl- 1 second
Shot 42-Blackout- 1 second

Shot 43-Blackout continued- 1 second
Shot 44- Scary ECU of young girl with knife 2 seconds
Shot 45- First referral to music box with blood on it - 2 seconds
Shot 46- Tree blowing in the wind no hanging rope- 2 seconds
Shot 47- Swing swaying in the wind- 2 seconds
Shot 48- Final shot with blackout and screaming heard- 3 seconds


Story Board part 1

Shot 1- will be a black fade in which will last 2 seconds
Shot 2- will have a black spot light in the middle of the screen with the production company and age rating both above and below with a black background- 3 seconds
Shot 3- will be a LS of corridor with child at the end of it- 2 seconds
Shot 4- Straight cut mid shot - 2 seconds
Shot 5- Fade in of writing with voice over- 3 seconds
Shot 6- Child and man in outside setting- establishing shot -2 seconds

Shot 7- Voice over of words displayed on screen- 2 seconds
Shot 8-Pan shot of bed room, cross cut- 4 seconds as there is dialog here
Shot 9-Faster Pace shot LS - 1second
Shot 10- Flickering lights- fade out- 2 seconds
Shot 11- LS very fast paced- 1 second
Shot 12- 2 seconds showing writing

Shot 13- Establishing shot of house- 2 seconds
Shot 14- Still image on outside setting- 2 seconds
Shot 15-1 second of  dialog
Shot 16- Zoom in of knife- 2 seconds
Shot 17- again focus on writing 1 second
Shot 18- Zoom in of young girl and man 2 seconds
Shot 19- Fade in of swing and hanging rope- 1 second
Shot 20- Zoom in and focused mid shot on hanging rope- 2 seconds
 Shot 21- Mid shot of film title 2 seconds
Shot 22- Pan of door 1 second
Shot 23- Black screen with light in middle- 1 second
Shot 24- Red background of little girl with writing on top of her- 2 seconds

Teaser Trailer Script

Friday 13 November 2015

Teaser Trailer Ideas- Prezi

This a Prezi which I have used in order to show some of the ideas that I have for my teaser trailer.

Friday 6 November 2015

ideal viewer profile

My ideal viewer is a 18 year old student who has a high interest in horror films and the study of films in particular.

Katie is a 18 year old student who studies, media, film and art for A-level. she is very interested in horror film and therefore adds this to her studies with passion. She has starred in her friends film studies course and therefore this has really gave her a thirst for horror films. she is found in her spare time to research the making of horror films and finds that the actors and location are the most important parts of making a good movie trailer. Katie works in a restaurant part-time as a waitress and therefore is a very outgoing and confident young girl. In Katies spare time she would visit the cinema and this is usually on a fortnightly basis.

Katie drives a mark 4 golf in navy, she loves to cruse about showing that she is very socially active and loves to interact with others.

On a weekly basis Katie attends the shopping centre near her house, her favourite shop being top shop. Katie also attends the Auction Rooms weekly for a night out with her friends. On a basic night out Katie drinks Peach Snapps with lemonade and finds that this gives her the buzz to party.

Target audience questionnaire analysis

Thursday 5 November 2015

Target Audience Questionnaire

Create your own user feedback survey

Movie magazine analysis

Friday 16 October 2015

My second movie poster analysis

Movie poster Cliches

i did research on a typical movie poster and i now know what is required in different styles and genres within the making of a movie poster.

People Standing back to back

A large eye in middle of poster

Blue background

Large face with people standing on a beach below

One person in middle of poster with back to the camera

Codes and conventions of a movie poster

This is a typical film poster and here I have highlighted the different codes and conventions needed in order to create a good movie poster 

poster analysis

This is the analysis that i have done on insidious movie poster, i focused on this as it is the same genre of the film which i want to create a trailer on  

Movie Poster Collage

Friday 9 October 2015

Production Company Research

Hammer - Simon Oakes

 Legendary horror brand Hammer hadn’t released a feature for over 30 years until it became part of Guy East and Nigel Sinclair’s Exclusive Media in 2008. Now, after years of false starts, it’s enjoying huge success with its ‘smart horror’ output, most notably 2012’s Daniel Radcliffe starring The Woman in Black which has taken over $125m worldwide. Follow up The Woman in Black: Angels of Death is now in the pipeline, as well as features The Quiet Ones, Boneshaker and Gaslight. It’s diversified too, launching a publishing imprint through Random House and plans a Hammer Theatre of Horror. Credits: Let Me In, Wake Wood, the Resident, the Woman in Black

Hammer Productions was first produced in 1934, but it wasn’t until the mid-1950 that they started to produce good works. During its most successful years, Hammer dominated the horror film market, enjoying worldwide distribution and considerable financial success. This success was due, in part, to distribution partnerships with major United States studios, such as Warner Bros.

In the mid 1980’s the company ceased but was then bought by a consortium group in 2000.  The company announced plans to begin making films again after this, but none were produced.

In 2007 the company was sold again and plans were announced to spend over $25 million on horror movies.


Carnival has an outstanding reputation for creating work of the highest calibre over the past 35 years. Its critically acclaimed work has been broadcast around the world, garnering over 200 award wins and nominations, including Emmys, Golden Globes, BAFTAs, Oscars and TONYs. Founded in 1978, Carnival Films has produced many hundreds of hours of popular drama both in the UK and US, including primetime series such as Poirot, Hotel Babylon, Whitechapel, Dracula and The Philanthropist.

Viral Marketing

In this presentation I have discussed different ways that viral marketing can have an impact on Films and I have also described what viral marketing and an example of a time when it has been used in film making in an effective way

Thursday 8 October 2015

Product Placement

   Teaser trailers are made usually by a montage of shots. Trailers consist of a series selected shots from the film being advertised. Since the purpose of the trailer is to attract an audience to the film, these excerpts are usually drawn from the most exciting, funny, or otherwise noteworthy parts of the film but in abbreviated form and usually without producing spoilers. For this purpose the scenes are not necessarily in the order in which they appear in the film. A trailer has to achieve that in less than 2 minutes and 30 seconds, the maximum length allowed by the MPAA. Each studio or distributor is allowed to exceed this time limit once a year, if they feel it is necessary for a particular film.

Teaser Trailer Analysis 2